Illustration showing Shopify site speed optimisation for better performance scored 95 percent

If your Shopify store is running slow, it can frustrate customers and hurt sales. This article will show you how to speed up Shopify website with practical tips and tools, focusing on Shopify page speed optimization to retain customers, attract new buyers, and generate Shopify sales. By the end, you’ll know how to enhance performance, boost SEO, and improve user satisfaction.

Key Takeaways

  • Website speed significantly impacts user experience and SEO, with faster load times enhancing customer satisfaction and search engine rankings.
  • Key strategies to improve Shopify store speed include using caching plugins, optimising images, enabling lazy loading, minimising HTTP requests, and disabling unused apps.
  • Advanced optimisation techniques such as leveraging browser caching, using a CDN, migrating tracking codes to Google Tag Manager, and enabling Gzip compression can further enhance your Shopify store’s performance.

Why Website Speed Matters For Your Shopify Store

Illustration of a website loading speedometer

The Shopify store’s speed is not merely a convenience for faster navigation. It is crucial to the triumph in e-commerce. A rapid site enchants through smooth performance, converting casual visitors into devoted buyers. On the other hand, a sluggishly loading storefront may drive potential customers away before they even view your offerings.

Consider website performance as the pulse of your online existenc, vital for circulating success throughout your business. Each increment decrease in load time can enhance conversions and strengthen financial outcomes, underscoring how critical site speed is to sustaining a robust digital framework.

Impact On User Experience

Imagine the agitation of waiting in a queue, fidgeting as time crawls by, this mirrors the vexation customers feel with slow site speed. A swift site speed serves as the polite concierge of online spaces, promptly guiding users along their journey, improving their visit, and increasing the likelihood they will browse and make purchases.

A nimble Shopify store operates like a vibrant bazaar where content thrives and bounce rates take a nosedive. This atmosphere promotes active participation and boosts conversion rates among Shopify stores.

Effect On SEO

Site’s speed is not solely for the instant satisfaction of your customers. It serves as a stealthy sentinel overseeing your presence in the competitive arena of search engines.

A Shopify site that loads rapidly gains preference from search engines, securing prime real estate in the upper echelons of search results. In contrast, a sluggish site speed may consign you to obscurity, deprived of organic traffic and potential sales.

Enhancing your store’s performance can lift it higher within search rankings, attracting new patrons with ease akin to how a beacon draws vessels towards the harbor.

Quick Tips To Speed Up Your Shopify Store

Begin your quest to accelerate your store by leveraging these essential points, each serving as a foundation for advancing the speed of your Shopify store. A slow website can frustrate visitors, increase bounce rates, and negatively impact your SEO and sales.

Employ tactics like caching and minimising code, your weaponry in the battle to eliminate unnecessary load time. Apply these methods of Shopify page traffic optimisation to improve how efficiently your store operates.

Putting these strategies into action will do more than just refine the shine of your Shopify shop. It’ll also prepare it for optimal functionality, yielding rewards through enhanced customer contentment and improved search engine optimisation outcomes.

We’ve put together a comprehensive guide on how to build an e-commerce website and launch your online store to help you get started in the world of online retail. From the initial planning stages to the final launch, our article covers everything you need to know to create a successful e-commerce site. Whether you’re a beginner or looking to refine your existing store, this guide is packed with valuable insights.

Use A Caching Plugin

Begin by harnessing the potent capabilities of a caching plugin, which acts as an effective elixir by remembering the content displayed to your visitors, significantly reducing the burden on your server when they revisit. This strategy not only ensures that your pages load with pleasing speed for returning patrons, but also enhances your shop’s SEO standing, thereby elevating its reputation among search engines.

Optimise Images

Shift your focus to the optimisation of images. If not properly managed, pictures can act as hefty burdens on your web pages, much like anchors. To address this issue:

  1. Shrink image file sizes through compression.
  2. Adjust the size of your images so they correspond with the dimensions of your web pages.

Eliminate superfluous images to lessen load times across your website. Adhering to these practices and prioritising core web vitals will allow you to preserve the aesthetic appeal of your web pages while ensuring that their performance remains swift and efficient.

Enable Lazy Loading

Illustration of lazy loading feature for Shopify store speed

Employ the clever strategy of lazy loading, which cleverly loads static images that are directly in your visitors’ view. As they navigate deeper into your online realm, more images materialise seemingly out of thin air, providing an uninterrupted and fluid experience free from the burden of unnecessary content.

Minimise HTTP Requests

Streamline the myriad of whispers and shouts that make up HTTP requests between your server and the customer’s browser. A multitude of these requests can slow down your store, so by reducing them to a seamless minimum, you ensure that your site performs more quickly, much to the pleasure of those visiting it.

Disable Unused Apps

Examine the collection of Shopify apps you’ve assembled. View them as actors in your store’s production. An overpopulated ensemble can disrupt the show, thus it’s critical to verify that every app has a substantial part. If an app isn’t up to par, it should be removed from your lineup.

Doing so not only refines the storefront’s operation, but also cuts down on superfluous consumption of resources, allowing your store to operate with the precision and harmony of a finely tuned orchestra.

Minimise Redirects & Broken links

Finally, ensure that the route through your website is seamless by reducing redirects and fixing any broken links. Such electronic interruptions and roadblocks can disrupt your visitors’ browsing experience, leading to annoyance and potential exits from your site.

By maintaining a clear and straightforward path similar to an arrow’s direct flight, you will help keep customers focused all the way to completing their purchases at checkout.

Enhancing Theme Performance

The theme you choose for your Shopify store acts as the backdrop that showcases its character. Opting for a theme with minimal heft is comparable to picking a swift horse in competition, providing an immediate boost in speed at the starting line. This is just the beginning.

By meticulously tweaking your theme’s coding and selecting fonts judiciously, you’re essentially optimising every element of a race car to enhance performance. This process results in delivering an expedited and more fluid shopping experience for those who visit your online storefront.

Choose a Lightweight Theme

Choosing a theme for your Shopify website requires careful consideration. Prioritise themes that are designed to deliver fast performance, ensuring that your store responds promptly to every click from your customers.

By adopting themes that have been fine-tuned for speed on the Shopify platform, you will elevate the performance of your online store through effective Shopify site speed optimization, resulting in an agile and swift shopping experience.

Optimise Theme Code

Delve meticulously into the workings of your theme’s code, acting with the exactitude of a skilled artisan. Streamline redundancies, enhance efficiency, and excise any snippets of code that lack an explicit function. Such efforts will not only expedite your store’s load time, but also render your theme code tidier and more resistant to mistakes.

Use System Fonts

Reflect upon the typographic landscape of your Shopify store. System fonts serve as a hidden conduit to swiftness, instantly accessible and free from any extra load time burdens. Opting for fonts that are not sourced remotely ensures that your pages spring forth swiftly, delighting visitors with their quick display of text content.

Advanced Techniques For Shopify Speed Optimisation

Illustration of content delivery network (CDN) usage for Shopify speed optimization

Advanced optimisation techniques are on hand for those eager to achieve higher speeds. They serve as the premium fuel that drives your Shopify store’s engine, thrusting you forward beyond competitors by harnessing state-of-the-art technology and innovative strategies.

Leverage Browser Caching

Utilise browser caching to transform your visitor’s browser into a repository for static resources. By keeping these components on the user’s local machine, you guarantee that when they revisit, your store’s pages load promptly, enhancing both load times and fostering customer loyalty.

Making Use Of A Content Delivery Network (CDN)

Harness the power of a Content Delivery Network (CDN), an interconnected system of servers distributed around the world, all set to serve your store’s content from the nearest location to your customers. This enhances not only the speed at which your pages load, but also broadens your influence by making your products more accessible to consumers globally.

Migrate Tracking Codes To Google Tag Manager

By transferring your tracking codes to Google Tag Manager, you can simplify the script management of your website. This integration brings together disparate analytics and marketing services into one system that loads effectively. It is akin to tidying up the behind-the-scenes area of your store to guarantee that front-end operations run seamlessly.

Enable Compression & Gzip Compression

Utilise compression and Gzip, the packaging that condenses your website’s data for swift delivery. By employing these methods, your web pages become compressed into lean parcels, accelerating their passage across the digital expanse directly to the browsers of your awaiting customers.

Monitoring & Analysing Site Speed

Now that your Shopify store is more streamlined and faster, it’s essential to equip yourself with monitoring and analysis tools to keep an eye on your site’s speed. These are the instruments that will steer you through ongoing optimisation efforts, guaranteeing a high-quality experience for all who visit your store.

Google PageSpeed Insights

Google PageSpeed Insights acts as a sage in optimisation, unveiling the complex interplay of your website’s performance while also prescribing actionable measures for enhancing site speed. This tool empowers you to take control and fine-tune the rhythm of your digital existence.

Shopify Online Store Speed Report

The Shopify Online Store Speed Report serves as a guiding benchmark, illuminating your store’s performance relative to others concerning site speed on Shopify. This awareness allows you to progress with certainty, recognising that every effort made to increase your shopify site’s speed propels you in front of your competitors.

Semrush Site Audit

The Semrush Site Audit acts like a surgeon’s precise scalpel, uncovering and remedying obscured issues that decelerate your website’s pulse. It probes thoroughly into the site’s code to identify problems which, when addressed, have the potential to significantly improve your store’s functionality and greatly enhance the user experience.

Best Practices For Maintaining Optimal Site Speed

Maintaining a steadfast pace in your store’s performance requires adherence to best practices, each acting as an integral thread in the fabric of sustained superiority. Consistent updates, attentive surveillance of third-party integrations, and routine checks on speed constitute a threefold strategy that guarantees your Shopify store not only forges ahead but also maintains its lead in the dynamic realm of eCommerce.

Regularly Update Themes & Apps

Consistent maintenance and updates to themes and apps serve as vital nutrients for your Shopify store’s prosperity, much like a well-tended garden. By regularly refreshing these elements, you not only repair security gaps, but also improve existing functionalities and continuously refine overall performance.

Monitor Third-Party Integrations

Embrace third-party integrations as the allies of your Shopify store with discernment. Continuously evaluate their value and confirm that they integrate smoothly while not compromising your store’s loading speed. Such careful oversight maintains your website’s efficiency, aligning it with the fast-paced dynamics of today’s market environment.

Conduct Periodic Speed Audits

Regular speed audits act as diagnostic tools for your Shopify store, uncovering the vitality of your site’s load times and identifying areas that require improvement. Through consistent monitoring, you’re able to quickly tackle any newly arising problems, maintaining your store’s status as a paragon of speed and efficiency.


As we draw the curtains on this journey of speed optimisation, remember that a fast-loading Shopify store is more than a convenience, it’s a cornerstone of eCommerce success. By implementing the strategies outlined, from quick tips to advanced techniques, and maintaining vigilance with regular monitoring and updates, your Shopify store will not only captivate customers with its performance but also command respect from search engines. Let the pursuit of speed be an ongoing quest, and may your digital storefront always be as swift as the wind at its back.

We’ve recently published an article highlighting the 10 Best Review Apps for Shopify, designed to help you enhance customer trust and drive more sales. These apps make it easy to showcase authentic customer feedback on your store, which can be a game-changer for your e-commerce success. Whether you’re looking for user-friendly integrations or advanced features, our guide covers the top options to suit your needs.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does site speed impact my Shopify store’s conversion rates?

The velocity of your Shopify store’s site directly influences the rate at which visitors convert into customers. Research indicates that elevating your site speed by a mere second can amplify mobile conversions dramatically, up to 27%, enhancing user experiences and engagement levels, which in turn fosters a rise in conversion rates.

What is a good Shopify speed score, and how can I check mine?

Utilising Google PageSpeed Insights or Shopify’s Online Store Speed Report, a store owner can determine their Shopify speed score. A score above 50 is viewed as satisfactory while achieving above 70 indicates an excellent store speed for an online store.

Can the choice of Shopify theme affect my store’s speed?

Indeed, selecting a speed-optimised, lightweight Shopify theme can greatly affect the velocity of your online store. By choosing one of Shopify’s free Online Store 2.0 themes that are designed for speed optimisation, you can guarantee swift and effective loading times to enhance your store’s overall functionality.

Should I be using a Content Delivery Network (CDN) for my Shopify store?

Absolutely, implementing a Content Delivery Network (CDN) can significantly enhance your Shopify store by decreasing latency and boosting load times for customers around the globe since Shopify is already integrated with Cloudflare’s CDN.

How often should I conduct a site speed audit for my Shopify store?

It’s recommended to carry out an audit of your Shopify store’s site speed at least every three months or following any substantial updates. Doing so will assist in maintaining peak functionality and quickly resolving any new problems that may arise.