An illustration depicting how to stop WordPress from guessing URLs.

Tired of WordPress redirecting users to incorrect pages by guessing URLs? This guide will show you how to stop WordPress from guessing URLs, ensuring visitors see a 404 error instead of a wrong page. Keep your site’s navigation accurate and your user experience smooth.

Key Takeaways

  • Disabling URL guessing in WordPress can prevent incorrect redirects and improve user experience, achieved via editing the functions.php file or using a redirection plugin.
  • For WordPress versions 5.5 and later, adding specific filters to the functions.php file effectively stops auto-redirects, ensuring incorrect URLs lead to 404 errors.
  • Utilising plugins like Disable URL Autocorrect Guessing simplifies URL management and enhances site navigation without requiring coding skills.

Disabling URL Guessing in WordPress

Disabling the URL guessing feature in WordPress can effectively prevent incorrect redirects, which often confuse visitors and disrupt their experience. One of the challenges of WordPress guessing redirects is when it mistakenly determines a redirect will lead to a 404 error. This action helps maintain the integrity of your links, ensuring users reach the content they seek.

You can disable URL guessing by either editing the functions.php file or using a redirection plugin. Each method offers unique benefits depending on your coding comfort level and specific requirements.

Editing functions.php File

Editing the functions.php file in your WordPress theme is a straightforward method for disabling URL guessing if you’re comfortable with coding. This file allows for custom PHP functions to modify site behavior, including stopping WordPress from guessing URLs when a 404 error occurs.

Add a filter that returns false for guessed URLs to effectively disable the guessing feature, ensuring incorrect URLs lead to a 404 error page.

This simple code snippet can be added to your functions.php file:

add_filter(‘redirect_canonical’, ‘disable_url_guessing’); function disable_url_guessing($redirect_url) { if (is_404()) { return false; } return $redirect_url; }

This small addition can significantly enhance user experience by preventing unexpected redirects and maintaining URL integrity.

Using a Redirection Plugin

For those less comfortable with coding, redirect plugins such as Yoast Premium offer a hassle-free alternative for managing URL redirects and stopping WordPress from guessing URLs. These plugins are particularly useful in handling deleted pages and unintentional redirections. They feature user-friendly interfaces, simplifying the creation and management of redirects without requiring server configuration knowledge.

The Disable URL Autocorrect Guessing plugin is particularly effective for this purpose although, the plugin as of writing this post hasn’t been updated in 4 years so can’t recommend installing it as a result. If you do decide to still go ahead, nstall it directly from the WordPress dashboard by searching for it in the plugin section. Once installed, it automatically prevents WordPress from guessing URLs, ensuring incorrect URLs lead to a 404 error page.

These plugins also automatically create redirects when permalinks are changed, enhancing site management and reducing the chances of broken links. This approach maintains control over your site’s navigation without requiring coding.

Preventing URL Auto-Correction with Code

Sign on road saying detour to illustrate what happens with WordPress URL guessing

Using code to prevent URL auto-correction helps maintain the intended structure and functionality of your WordPress site. Accurate redirect rules prevent conflicts and ensure proper URL mapping, offering a more predictable and controlled user experience.

This can be achieved by either adding custom functions to your theme or utilising the .htaccess file. Each method offers different levels of control and flexibility to cater to various user needs and preferences.

Adding Custom Functions to Theme

Adding custom functions to your WordPress theme provides powerful control over site behavior. The php file is highly customisable, allowing PHP code additions that extend beyond theme-related changes. Custom functions can return false for incorrectly guessed URLs, stopping WordPress from trying to redirect users to the presumed correct URL.

To implement this, you can add the following code to your functions.php file:

add_filter(‘redirect_canonical’, ‘disable_url_guessing’); function disable_url_guessing($redirect_url) { if (is_404()) { return false; } return $redirect_url; }

This function ensures that WordPress never guesses for specific paths, providing a more consistent user experience and reducing the likelihood of unintended redirects.

Utilising .htaccess File

The .htaccess file is a powerful tool for managing URL behavior on your WordPress site. Defining specific rules in this file allows you to control URL redirection and prevent unwanted corrections, offering server-level control over redirects.

Add the following code to the .htaccess file to prevent URL guessing:

RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteRule ^ – [L,R=404]

This configuration ensures incorrect URLs result in a 404 error instead of redirecting to a guessed URL, especially beneficial for older WordPress versions where other methods might be less effective.

Managing Redirects for Specific Paths

Managing redirects for specific paths ensures redirection logic applies only to defined categories, posts, or pages. This targeted approach prevents accidental redirections leading to 404 errors and enhances user experience by ensuring visitors access relevant content.

Customising redirect rules based on specific paths allows you to control how your site handles URLs and prevents WordPress from overwriting relevant redirects with irrelevant internal articles. This strategy provides a more refined way to manage your site’s navigation.

Creating Path-Specific Rules

Creating path-specific rules involves configuring redirects to direct specific URLs to new locations, ensuring users access the desired content without encountering 404 errors. Focusing on specific paths enhances redirect management and maintains a consistent user experience.

Implement path-specific rules by adding custom functions to your theme that disable guesses for specific pages, posts, categories, or other use cases. This approach ensures WordPress never guesses these paths, providing a more reliable navigation experience.

Testing and Verifying

After establishing your redirect rules, testing them is crucial to confirm they function as intended. Testing ensures URLs lead to the correct destinations and that your redirection logic works properly. Tools that check HTTP responses can verify if redirects are correctly set up and returning the appropriate status codes.

Test redirection rules by checking how URLs behave in a browser, ensuring they lead to the expected destinations. This step prevents unexpected behavior and maintains the integrity of your site’s functionality.

Solutions for Different WordPress Versions

Effectively handling URL guessing depends on your WordPress version, as different versions require different approaches to maintain navigation and prevent incorrect URL guessing. Selecting the appropriate method for your version can greatly enhance user experience and site reliability.

WordPress versions 5.5 and later can effectively stop permalink guessing with specific code techniques. Older versions require different methods to mitigate URL guessing and maintain site functionality.

WordPress 5.5+ Methods

WordPress 5.5 introduced an auto-redirect feature that redirects users to the nearest match URL when an incorrect URL is entered. Use the ‘do_redirect_guess_404_permalink’ filter to prevent this guessing. Adding this filter to your functions.php file stops automatic redirection by returning false for guessed URLs.

Add this code to your functions.php file:

add_filter( ‘do_redirect_guess_404_permalink’, ‘stop_redirect_guess’);

function stop_redirect_guess() {

return false;


This addition ensures incorrect URLs result in a 404 error, preventing WordPress from guessing and redirecting to the wrong page.

Approaches for Older Versions

For older WordPress versions, manage erroneous URL redirects using the ‘redirect_canonical’ filter. Modify the template redirect filter to selectively disable canonical redirects, preventing incorrect URL guessing.

Add the following code to your functions.php file to stop URL guessing in older WordPress versions:

remove_filter(‘template_redirect’, ‘redirect_canonical’);

This approach removes guessed permalink slugs from query variables, reducing incorrect URL redirections and enhancing user experience on older sites.

Additional Tools and Plugins

Besides the discussed methods, several tools and plugins can help manage URL guessing and improve your WordPress site’s navigation. Disabling URL guessing enhances user experience by ensuring accurate content access and preventing misdirected traffic. Plugins like Disable URL Autocorrect Guessing and Nelio A/B Testing offer practical solutions for managing URL behavior.

Redirection plugins can significantly reduce 404 errors by tracking and mapping broken link, ensuring proper URL mapping. These plugins also enhance site security by preventing misdirected traffic and ensuring visitors reach the correct content.


In conclusion, stopping WordPress from guessing URLs is essential for maintaining a consistent and reliable user experience. By disabling URL guessing through methods like editing the functions.php file, using redirection plugins, and customising the .htaccess file, you can control your site’s navigation more effectively.

Whether you are using the latest version of WordPress or an older one, there are tailored solutions to address URL guessing issues. Implementing these strategies not only improves user experience but also enhances your site’s security and reliability. Take control of your WordPress site’s navigation today and ensure your visitors always find the content they are looking for.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why does WordPress guess URLs, and why is it a problem?

WordPress guesses URLs to help users when they mistype an address, but this can be problematic because the guesses are often inaccurate, leading users to unrelated pages. When a user inputs a URL on a WordPress site incorrectly, WordPress attempts to guess the intended page and redirect the visitor to avoid a 404 error, but this guesswork can often result in incorrect redirections rather than leading users to the desired content. This confusion can make navigating your site frustrating.

How do I disable URL guessing without coding?

You can easily disable URL guessing by installing the Disable URL Autocorrect Guessing plugin directly from your WordPress dashboard. This will stop WordPress from trying to guess your URLs without any coding needed.

What is the purpose of editing the functions.php file?

Editing the functions.php file lets you customise WordPress by adding PHP code to modify its behavior, like disabling the URL guessing feature. It’s a powerful way to tweak your site without needing to install a plugin.

How can I manage redirects for specific paths on my site?

To manage redirects for specific paths on your site, set up redirect rules targeting those specific URLs. This approach minimises 404 errors and keeps your site organised.

What are the benefits of A/B testing in WordPress?

A/B testing in WordPress is super beneficial because it helps you compare different page versions to see which one resonates more with your audience. By using plugins like Nelio A/B Testing, you can track user interactions and make informed decisions to enhance your site’s performance.