10 Simple LinkedIn Tips When Job Searching

These LinkedIn strategies aim to enhance your visibility, professionalism, and overall appeal to potential employers, providing a competitive edge in the challenging job market.

Key Takeaways

  • Active Engagement is Crucial: Regularly post on LinkedIn to showcase your eagerness and actively seek job opportunities. Remaining active on the platform increases the chances of potential employers discovering your profile.
  • Complete Your Profile Thoroughly: Fill out all sections of your LinkedIn profile, including a professional photo and details of your current job. An incomplete profile can discourage employers, and small details can make a significant impact on your employability.
  • Showcase Skills with Links: If applying for tech or online positions, include links to your websites or blogs to demonstrate your skills and personality. Utilising external links allows employers to assess your capabilities and get a comprehensive view of your expertise.

LinkedIn Strategies For Effective Job Hunting

Today’s jobs market is extremely competitive, with lots of people finding it difficult to find even entry-level positions in their dream careers. LinkedIn has been around for many years now, but too few people understand how best to make the most of their profile, which significantly limits its effectiveness. See our 10 simple LinkedIn tips below.

1. Keep Active

The most important thing about LinkedIn is that you need to remain active on the site to allow potential employers to discover your profile. Nobody is going to hire someone who doesn’t actively seek work, so by posting regularly you can come across as eager.

2. Fill Out Your Whole Profile

Too many people have incomplete profiles, which discourages employers. Even simple things such as a profile picture or details of your current job can make a huge difference to your employability.

3. Link To Your Website

If you have skills to show off, especially if you are applying for tech or online positions, make sure you have links to your websites or blogs. This will allow you to display your personality while demonstrating what you are capable of.

4. Add Your Connections

You shouldn’t be shy about adding new connections, even with people you haven’t worked with for years. Everyone on LinkedIn is competing for the attention of employers, and connections are a good way of gaining extra credibility.

5. Proofread

In the same way you would check your CV and cover letter for spelling and grammar mistakes, you should carefully proofread your LinkedIn profile. In many cases your profile will be your first (and perhaps only) chance to impress a future employer, so make sure your spelling is spot-on.

6. Create A Custom URL

LinkedIn profile URLs can be a bit messy, so one great tip is to create a custom URL which you can add to your CV. Rather than a series of digits, you can configure your profile under the settings tab to create a personalised URL such as my.linkedin.com/in/your.name, which looks far more professional and shows you know how to use the website.

7. Join Groups

Joining groups which are relevant to the job you are searching for is a good way to demonstrate your dedication to your chosen field, and can help to keep you active on the website.

8. Connect With Social Media

Employers like to research potential candidates for a position, so consider linking your Twitter/X or Facebook accounts with LinkedIn. One option is to retain a “professional” account on social media which keeps distance between your personal and professional life.

9. Check For Buzzwords

The worst sin you can commit with a LinkedIn profile, or any job application, is to overuse buzzwords such as “effective”, “responsible”, “leadership”, and “innovative”.

10. Select An Appropriate Profile Picture

Your profile picture should be professional, but should not come across as fake or staged. Try to avoid any Instagram filters, and always make sure it was taken within the last few months. The ideal size for your LinkedIn profile picture is 400 x 400 pixels. Larger file sizes are also fine (although 8MB is the max), but try to avoid small, low-resolution images.


Hopefully you found these LinkedIn tips helpful and that you find the dream job you were looking for. Keep active on Linkedin, make sure your profile is fully complete,  link to your website or portfolio, proofread the contents of your CV, join groups and connect with social media.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I stand out on LinkedIn searches?

LinkedIn profile optimisation tips – Make an original portrait or background picture, give some good headlines on LinkedIn, write an extensive and experience section, make a list of skills, endorsements, or advice, finally, create a customised website or portfolio link if possible.

How do I write a job seeker on LinkedIn?

I need a new position [Finish in Industry]. I am a [fill in the name you’re applying for], and I possess excellent skill sets [skills 1, [skills 2 & 3]. I have an open invitation for the following roles [mention roles you wish to apply for].